Monday, February 9, 2009

Learning Skills 101 - What is Working Memory?

Working Memory and Attention
Learning Skills 101 - What is Working Memory?

To Review:
So far, we have been discussing what learning skills are and how they impact a student on a daily basis. If you recall, we stated that learning skills are the underlying mental skills formally known as attention, visual/auditory processing, memory, processing, word attack and auditory analysis. Most of our children experience these skills through reading, writing, spelling, paying attention, remembering, recalling and how quick we can respond to a request.

Over the last few weeks, we have been discussing the three types of attention. Selective, Sustained and Divided Attention were seen as necessary cognitive skills for students. Without these cognitive skills as strengths, the student has great difficulty within the classroom and in his life. This week, we will learn about working memory.

Working Memory works with attention to make it possible to process information that is given to us. For those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), that are cognitive based symptoms, experience difficulty with all three types of attention which impacts the strength of their working memory. Why? Because attention and working memory go hand in hand. When attention is not held long enough to process information into working memory, the skill does not get worked thus presents weak. Parents of students with ADHD usually receive comments from teachers that their child gets distracted too easily and the student needs help with memory. The teachers will state that the student cannot remember information from one day or week to the next.

Working memory is needed for math, reading, comprehension, test taking and follow directions. Students use their working memory when reading and trying to comprehend. When they take tests and read the questions, if their working memory is weak, by the time they read all the possible answers for a multiple choice question, they forget the question and have to reread it again. Students will be unable to follow directions that have multiple steps because they cannot store the information long enough to follow through. Weak memory skills prohibits successful learning. Weak attention prohibits successful learning. See the pattern yet? All of our learning skills are interconnected. If just one cognitive skill is weak, our ability to learn is negatively impacted.

The good news is after a student works with the Enhanced Learning Skills System, they will have strengthened all of their cognitive skills.
ADHD symptoms, that are cognitive based, disappear to the point the teachers and family take notice. Recognize that there is hope and a solution. Call today for more information on your choices! Call me at (908) 285-8352.

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